How to Link Your Registry

1. Go to your Gift Registry page.


2. Make sure you're in edit mode by toggling the Edit Page button at the tab bar.


3. Click the Add Registry button


4. Give your registry link a name and enter your registry link, then click the Add Link button.


5. Once added, toggle the Preview button at the top bar(beside Edit Page) to preview your registry page.

Your registry link will be displayed as a button and will open in a new tab when clicked. 

You can add as many registry links as you'd like.



How to Transfer Your Registry

1. Go to your Gift Registry page


2. Make sure you're in edit mode by toggling the Edit Page button at the top menu bar. Next, click the Transfer Registry button.


3. Enter your registry link and click Send Registry


4. The WebBabyShower team will be notified of your request to transfer your registry. Please note transferring your registry is done manually by our team. We will notify you once it's ready.

5. Once all items are imported, you can approve each item to display them on your registry page. Only approved items are viewable by your guests.


You can edit or remove items from your registry page. To edit, simply click the pencil icon located in the upper right-hand corner of each item. A pop-up window will appear, allowing you to modify details about your item. 


6. Once approved, your guests can see your registry items directly from your Gift Registry page.




If you have any further questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team.