When setting up your shower page for the first time, you will be asked to enter your desired custom link. This is the link that you'd want your guests to enter into their browser to access your shower page.
1. Enter a combination of texts, numbers, and dashes for the custom link.
Entering other than texts, numbers or dashes will make the custom link invalid and you will not be able to proceed.
You may try for the following format examples: mybabyshower, my-baby-shower, mybabyshower2023
2. Only enter the last portion of the link
All shower pages start with https://my.webbabyshower.com/ and you are only needed to enter the path after that.
For example, our preview shower page's full URL is: https://my.webbabyshower.com/WBSpreview
When we set this up, we only entered WBSpreview on the custom link field.
If you have any further questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team.